Out with the Old, In With the New
A Look at North Carolina’s Future Lien Law in Red, White, and Blue
Shelton Law Carolinas
S42 and H1052 were signed into law on July 2, 2012. Most revisions will not take effect for many months and, therefore, the official codification in the North Carolina General Statutes will not be available for some time. I prepared the following document as a “look forward” to what certain portions of Chapter 44A might look like on April 1, 2013. Existing statutory language deleted by S42 or H1052 will not appear in this document. Additions from H1052 are shown in RED TEXT. Additions from S42 are shown in BLUE TEXT.
The document is currently available at my firm’s website.
Note: The above link will send you to an updated version of the document which now contains technical amendments (S847).